Monday 30 September 2013

Marky Mark Mondays - Four Brothers

So one big reason for why I started to write was because television was so bad that when I arrived home from work I found myself so bored that I cried out for some creativity. Quite literally, there were tears and everything. I therefore turned to the type written pen to save my mind from turning in to reality TV mush. Yes, I am not ashamed to say it I wrote because there was nothing better to do.

Yet having said that there are some gems on the box and in the cinema. As much as television turned me to writing cinema did prove truly inspiring. A great film, for whatever the reason you think it is great, can inspire; they have inspired me. I like a lot of genres, actors and films but for my Monday blog I had to choose just one and I chose Marky Mark.

Yes, Marky Mark. That guy who was once in New Kids on the Block. That guy better known as Mark Wahlberg. For me and my dad he has never been in a bad film. You may disagree but I don’t care. My dad agrees so that is all that matters. However, feel free to critique away too.
This is the first blog of Marky Mark Mondays and the witty title was my dad’s creation. So applaud him for that. This will last for however long I still have a Marky Mark movie to write about and I will begin with an all-time favourite of mine, Four Brothers.

Four Brothers

So this is a John Singleton action-crime movie first released on 30th September 2005. So exactly 8 years ago to the day. I did my research. The plot is about four troublesome orphaned boys who were all taken in by a kind-hearted lady who only ever saw the good in them all.
Marky Mark stars as Booby Mercer alongside Tyrese Gibson, Andre Benjamin (aka Andre 3000) and Garret Hedlund as the leader of the four. He is as hard as nails with a comical wit yet has a soft spot for each of his brothers. Tyrese Gibson plays the smooth operating Tyrese Gibson, as always, but the script writers decided to give him the name of Angel Mercer. Andre Benjamin plays a quite remarkable role as the family and business man Jeremiah Mercer. Marky Mark is the oldest and the father figure of the Mercers and the protector, especially over the youngest brother Jack Mercer played by Garret Hedlund.
The film starts with their adoptive mother being gunned down in a grocery store and the four all return to their childhood home in Detroit to bury her and seek revenge on her killer. Defying the police and the always brilliant Terrence Howard, who plays a detective, the four brothers turn their old neighbourhood upside down to uncover the truth and the one responsible for their mother’s shooting.
This is an emotionally powerful action-packed drama with three actors who started out in the music game all putting in a master class. Yes, it may be more of a guy’s film but for me there is an underlying theme that I am not even sure John Singleton intended. There is not one hint of strangeness in the fact that the four brothers are of different race; instead there is just an acceptance that these four boys love their mum and love each other.
The four are tied by bonds thicker than blood and nothing will change that. Yes they have their problems and yes they have their doubts but when it really matters they are still brothers at the end of the day. Maybe I like it all the more because my very own brother now has four boys of his own and the message of brotherly love hit a nerve within me. Maybe it is just a great film to watch.
Nonetheless for me it gets a curetotheworld 5 star rating.
I highly recommend it. So if you have not seen it go and get it. The best part about it is that you can get it for a few pounds and if you are like me you will watch it over and over again.
Just click on this link.

Sunday 29 September 2013

The Curing Sunday- Blog 1

Blog 1

So the inspiration for this blog site. My book, The Cure. Every Sunday I will be giving you a little inside track to my novel. It is the first in of a Supernatural series set in the modern world.

I will be explaining the inspirations for the characters, plot and everything else right here. Any questions or requests are welcome.

But for now I will give you a brief summary of what it is about. If you like what you read here then download it, have a read and let me know what you think.

The Cure

Michael, a normal eighteen year old boy, celebrates his birthday belatedly on a normal night out on the town. But this night is different to any other and not just because he no longer has to use his fake ID. His life and all he knows is turned upside down by a girl. Michael, the girl and his best friend get themselves into a little bit of trouble and run away just like the wanted criminals that they are. On a journey of self discovery Michael tries to learn about what he is and more importantly about who he is. But all he discovers is that the world is not what it seems and he and his blood may just be the one thing that will change it forever.

Saturday 28 September 2013

The Cure for the Dreaded Hangover

So another Saturday with a sore head and a bloated belly. The symptoms of the night before requiring a day in the bed sheets vowing to never touch another drop of alcohol knowing that however many times I swear on the Bible to stay dry I know each time it is just a lie. I will probably have a beer or two tonight.  The ever so wise philosophy of “keep consuming” being the war cry of most weekends. Yet no matter how long you delay the inevitable the inevitable arrives.
The feeling of rubbishness hits you before you open your eyes as you moan and groan knowing that daylight will be your worst enemy. The hangover always is worse when the night that caused it was not a great one; if last night was a good’un I would have probably blogged about it. It is probably because on the great nights I am having way too much fun to care for getting drunk. It is the dull nights that I drink to excess.
The great nights filled with adrenaline induced by fun and laughter provoke a cheery and positive morning after. Such nights give you the get up and go to power through the day. They give you the energy to make the most of every minute. But no matter what the night before was the first thing I do every morning is have a large and strong, oh so very strong coffee. A coffee with milk; although if you saw it yourself you would have good reason to doubt that any milk is involved in the caffeine hit.
Yet this coffee is the only guarantee to my fight against all odds to feel good. There are so many tricks of the trade that I have tried in my constant quest to improve the next day agony. The thing I try to do is have a pint of water before I hit the sack. In my experience it stops that horrible, dry mouth when you wake. It doesn’t do too much to stop the foul morning breath; you still have to brush your teeth for that.
The issue is remembering to do it; I find myself in two situations commonly. The first being the times when I am so wasted I slip in to a comatosed state without a clue of what I am doing. The second are those times where the moment is too exciting to care for what is to come in the morning. Do I need to say much more? You all know what I am talking about.
To eat or not to eat? Now that is the question. Personally I am an eater; my three preferable choices on such a morning are either a good old fashioned bowl of cereals, my good friend’s scrumptious scrambled eggs or a crepe at my favourite creperie. For me having a full belly is a feel good factor, not exactly comfort eating more feel good eating. The better the food better; I could not stomach the image of a fat and greasy fry up. Maybe I am insane but I can only fully enjoy a full English when I do not fear throwing up all over it.
To do or not to do? To do is my answer. Lying around, festering in a booze filled stench moping about and whinging just does not cut it; it just makes it worse. A shower refreshes the day. For me a shower brightens any day but when hungover it is more glorious than any other. I have it cold for a new awakening; it is revitalising. Out in the fresh air is a must, rain or shine being out and about with a breeze sweeping through the hair. I love the rain when I have a hangover; an outside showering never hurt anyone.
Yet having said that sometimes doing nothing can be doing a heck of a lot. This is my favourite cure of them all. The all day in bed; hugging, spooning scissoring the day away. The other week some guy was explaining to me about how physical contact can have a healing effect on us. It was a few weeks ago and I am not the expert but I will try to relay what the expert guy explained to me.
We are talking about skin on skin contact here. None of that barriers of clothing rubbish. Apparently it is the warmth of flesh upon flesh that creates a sub-conscious state of mind that makes you feel better. Apparently it derives from some primal instinct of a protective or protected desire, depending on gender, which builds comfort of mind and then brings comfort of body. So hug, spoon and scissor away. It is my personal favourite.
But anyway, happy hangover. What are you going to do to Cure yours?


Friday 27 September 2013

Sex Box, Channel 4 What Are You Smoking?

The Cure to Pornography

So internet sex, aka pornography, has caused such a stir recently as mothers and fathers apparently fear how their innocent children will manage in today’s society after being exposed to these fake scenes of intimacy that fuel a billion dollar industry. Well this is one interpretation of MP Diane Abbott’s fears. Sex is everywhere; it’s on the high streets spread across billboards, in newsagents and pretty much anywhere where things are advertised. Even that ever so sweet Hannah Montana kid has revamped her image as Miley Cyrus with an overly sexualised campaign of self-promotion. How will our little darlings bear such a world?

We need to fight back; we must fight back so the next generation do not confuse the real from the fake in the bedroom department. Step up Channel 4 to take on such a task with a campaign of righteousness starting on Monday 7th of October at 10 pm GMT. Those clever cats have come up with a show that will endeavour to take back sex from the porn industry by....wait for it....putting sex on the television. They have even provocatively called it Sex Box.

Is it me or does this just sound like a porn show? I know what springs to mind when I say the words “Sex Box”. Okay, okay some willing couples will be doing the deed in some kind of sound proof box where the TV audience can’t see anything; but everyone will know exactly what is going on. Perfectly normal then and the obvious environment for the promotion of real life sex.

What are these Channel 4 people smoking? The people that gave us such classics as Big Brother where they hand picked certain members of the public desperate to do anything for their 15 minutes of fame. Surprisingly this led to some girl who said “chicken” a lot and some guy who looked like Shaggy from Scooby Doo getting under a sheet and going at it on TV (possibly). Then a few too many years later the producers at Channel 4 got bored of Big Brother and passed it on to Channel 5.

Now I understand why this happened. It must have been because Channel 4 got fed up of the weeks of small talk, flirtations, and the will they or won’t they moments until some intimacy happened. Then good old Davina McCall had to wait weeks and weeks to interview the contestants on eviction night just to ask them what happened under that sheet. What a chore!!!

Well problem solved now with this new Sex Box show. A 20 something year old couple will go in to the Sex Box to have sex whilst Mariella Frostrup waits for them for an interview about all of the sordid details. Yes, Mariella Frostrup. The woman who has been voted as having the sexiest voice in Britain. She has probably been chosen to sex up the show a bit more I would imagine.

But what is she going to do when the rosie cheeked couple come out. Is she going to be sat there with cigarettes and possibly some taxi fare for the guy to make a quick exit? I hope so. It is real sex after all. How is she going to greet them; with a shake of the hand and a slap on the cheek? She may need to wash her hands afterwards.

I am struggling to understand the whole concept of this show in truth. Apparently it is to tell us all what “normal” sex is. It turns out that throughout the 8 year relationship I was in we were doing it all wrong; not once did we ever invite strangers over and then climb in to a box in the living room whilst they all sat there eating the nibbles we so thoughtfully provided. Maybe if we had some of Channel 4’s normal sex in our life we would still be together?

I must remember it is all for our children’s sake and our children’s children sake so that these young whipper snappers do not grow up with the perversions of the porn industry when they embark on their journeys of puppy love, broken hearts and marriage.

Ah now I see, it is a family show. Personally, I am going to invite my nephews of 5, 3 and 1 years over, get the popcorn out and watch it with them to make sure that they understand that postmen and firemen are not merely sex objects. They are going to be so shocked the next time they watch Fireman Sam and Postman Pat that is for sure!!!

I understand that things have may have got out of control since the launch of the World Wide Web as children these days can innocently come across pornography with a click of the button. I remember searching for a recipe for “spotted dick” one Sunday afternoon so that my ex and I could have some dessert after we erected our sex box in the living room. I was horrified by what my search for a British classic sponge cake came up with but also somewhat intrigued. If you have ever seen Channel 4's Embarrasing Bodies you will know what I mean.

So yes, something needs to be done. But come on Channel 4 are you really helping here? Or is this just another stunt for a ratings hike? Let’s be honest now it is not as if the cast of Hollyoaks are recruited for their amazing acting skills is it!! I am not even going to get started on what Late Night Hollyoaks is all about.

Don’t get me wrong though, I like sex as much as the next person but if we are really going to combat the amount and ease of access to it on the internet and in advertisement then this idea just makes no sense.

Yet having said that I will be tuning in, it looks hilarious. I have already sky plussed it.

Thursday 26 September 2013

The Blog Low Down

Hello and welcome

This is my blog telling you what inspires me to write. It is simple really; life. Life inspired me to write my book The Cure and it is the silly things in life that in my mind make it the enjoyable read.

But here is the day by day play book of what to expect.

1: Marky Mark Monday
2: Food for thought Tuesday- My pursuit to find the best store bought coffee and sandwiches.
3: What's up with Wednesday
4: Fashion Thursday
5: Anything Goes on a Friday
6: Saturday Antics.
7: The Curing Sunday

Don't worry, this is not set in stone and at any moment some moment in my clumsy and ridiculous life will be brought to you.

Please just enjoy. That is all I ask.

Also come join me on my Facebook fan page for my book at

Fashion Thursday: Mr T.M Lewin, I salute you sir.

The Cure to my Fat Neck

So I am just a regular guy who likes regular things, who wears regular clothes and I was never really interested in fashion and what not until I started writing my novel and realised that I needed my characters to be dressed in clothes. I could have set the scene by describing how some nudist colony took over the world and forced everyone to go naked at all times but this would have been a calamity (no offence to any of you naturalists out there).

This time in my life also coincided with me getting a proper job in the proper mean and scary world that previously seemed like a world of partying, hugs and roses as a student. Four months of sun kissed summers never really required a shirt to be accompanied by a tie. Little did I know back then of the monster size 17 and half inch neck I have and little did I know of the problems this would cause me.

So off I went on my adventure to buy some new shirts. Asda-Walmart seemed the best choice for a cash strapped young professional who still did not have his first pay check. White seemed the obvious colour; Size 17 and a half neck found and bought to be tried on when at home so the fashion advisor, now ex-girlfriend, could give the thumbs up to the 5 minutes of thought that went in to the purchase.

So now at home I tried it on, the neck fitted so I was chuffed. The problem was that the rest of the shirt was so big that it could have doubled as a bed sheet. It looked more like I was going to a Halloween party dressed as a ghost when I really wanted to look the part to be a trainee skivvy at a law firm. These would all have to be returned and more effort would have to be put in to finding some shirts.

Off to Primark, naturally, yet it was the same there. If the neck fit then I needed a body of an Elephant for the rest of the shirt to. So off to a slightly classier joint, Next, but each shirt I tried was never quite right. Either too big or too tight and if the 17 and a halves did not nearly choke me to death, the 18s were just so limited in choice that they only had the awful left.

The store clerk suggested I try Hollister too. Now I am a 6ft 1” tall guy with shoulders that would not look out of place on a rugby pitch, so most things I try on in Hollister in the shirt/t-shirt department can be described as a crop top. I could never subject the public to such a sight, not even on Halloween; it would just be too petrifying for all.

To other shops, larger chains and smaller independents but the story remained a similar one until I saw it; that shiny glassed beacon of light that read T.M Lewin. The oasis in the desert wasteland of rubbish shirts. I walked in full of doubt but as soon as I saw the display and selection my eyes lit up like a kid in a candy shop. Ordered in neck size and arranged in colours; the staff were ever so friendly and willing to help, suggesting that blue matches my complexion better than most. I was won over; they even were not bothered when I pulled one shirt out and another ten fell on me.

It is amazing both the neck and the body fit me; yet the best thing is that I do not ever have to go back if I don’t want to. Now I know my size and fit I can just order them online at will. Thank you Mr T.M Lewin, I salute you sir.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Coca-Cola and Pepsi Dilemma

So how many times have you been in a bar, restaurant or any such establishment that serves food to a table? First you wait to be seated unless you are rude and just walk in and sit down causing chaos for all of the poor waiters and waitresses who do not have a clue that you have sat down whilst you moan at the poor service.
Anyway, you wait to be seated. The girl gives you a smile as she collects the menus and you follow her to the table or booth where you take a moment to gather yourself, determine the proximity of the table to the door to ensure that no gust of wind may take you through the unsuspecting shivers every time the door opens or whether a screaming child sat on the table next to you or behind, pretty much in the hearing vicinity. All is clear; all is well so you take your seat. The waitress places the menu down still with a cheery smile and repeats the specials that she so well rehearsed this morning before asking if you would like a drink.
You answer, "Coke please?" Maybe you are wordier than I am and go for "Can I have a Coke please?" It is probably a matter of mood. But yet comes the reply; "Is Pepsi okay?" You are horrified; you are definitely a Coke sort of guy or gal. The thought of being disloyal to the cheery Christmas Santa that you love so much in that advert sickens you to your core. The betrayal, the outrage and the guilt overwhelm you until you say: "yea that will be fine." Words induced by panic, an off the cuff response to that cheery smile that you didn't want to disrupt, she walks away with a little skip in her step happy that the world is happy with Pepsi. But then you sit there worrying; worrying about the syrupy concoction that she will return with.
You only wanted a Coke, you did not specify what type; Coca-Cola or Pepsi. If she said nothing than it would have arrived in a glass and looked like a Coke. You would not have cared if you were sipping down the black liquid whether dressed in a red or blue label. But now you know it is not the one you wanted. You are red until you die, a Coca-Cola man through and through and no matter if the Pepsi that is brought to you is the most perfect Pepsi ever made it will not be good enough, it will not be the same, it would not be what you wanted. You are disappointed and upset that you are not getting what you ordered.
If you had ordered a vegetarian burger and been told they are all out but will a beef burger do what would you do? It looks the same. It comes in a bun. It has a bit of lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise. There are Chips to accompany it. However, it is not the same and nor is Coca-Cola and Pepsi. They are different beverages. They are fierce rivals. So do not offer me the other one when I wanted the other. I would rather have a Sprite than a Pepsi. I would rather have a Pepsi Max than a Coke Zero. It is just the way the cookie crumbles for me.
The last time this dilemma presented itself this is what happened:
Me: "Can I have a Coke please?"
Waitress: "Is Pepsi okay?"
Me: "Can I pay with Monopoly money?"
I should stress that it was said in a playful, jovial manner and with no insult to the girl who was a delight all meal long. But what will you now say when presented with such a 1st world crisis?