Saturday 28 September 2013

The Cure for the Dreaded Hangover

So another Saturday with a sore head and a bloated belly. The symptoms of the night before requiring a day in the bed sheets vowing to never touch another drop of alcohol knowing that however many times I swear on the Bible to stay dry I know each time it is just a lie. I will probably have a beer or two tonight.  The ever so wise philosophy of “keep consuming” being the war cry of most weekends. Yet no matter how long you delay the inevitable the inevitable arrives.
The feeling of rubbishness hits you before you open your eyes as you moan and groan knowing that daylight will be your worst enemy. The hangover always is worse when the night that caused it was not a great one; if last night was a good’un I would have probably blogged about it. It is probably because on the great nights I am having way too much fun to care for getting drunk. It is the dull nights that I drink to excess.
The great nights filled with adrenaline induced by fun and laughter provoke a cheery and positive morning after. Such nights give you the get up and go to power through the day. They give you the energy to make the most of every minute. But no matter what the night before was the first thing I do every morning is have a large and strong, oh so very strong coffee. A coffee with milk; although if you saw it yourself you would have good reason to doubt that any milk is involved in the caffeine hit.
Yet this coffee is the only guarantee to my fight against all odds to feel good. There are so many tricks of the trade that I have tried in my constant quest to improve the next day agony. The thing I try to do is have a pint of water before I hit the sack. In my experience it stops that horrible, dry mouth when you wake. It doesn’t do too much to stop the foul morning breath; you still have to brush your teeth for that.
The issue is remembering to do it; I find myself in two situations commonly. The first being the times when I am so wasted I slip in to a comatosed state without a clue of what I am doing. The second are those times where the moment is too exciting to care for what is to come in the morning. Do I need to say much more? You all know what I am talking about.
To eat or not to eat? Now that is the question. Personally I am an eater; my three preferable choices on such a morning are either a good old fashioned bowl of cereals, my good friend’s scrumptious scrambled eggs or a crepe at my favourite creperie. For me having a full belly is a feel good factor, not exactly comfort eating more feel good eating. The better the food better; I could not stomach the image of a fat and greasy fry up. Maybe I am insane but I can only fully enjoy a full English when I do not fear throwing up all over it.
To do or not to do? To do is my answer. Lying around, festering in a booze filled stench moping about and whinging just does not cut it; it just makes it worse. A shower refreshes the day. For me a shower brightens any day but when hungover it is more glorious than any other. I have it cold for a new awakening; it is revitalising. Out in the fresh air is a must, rain or shine being out and about with a breeze sweeping through the hair. I love the rain when I have a hangover; an outside showering never hurt anyone.
Yet having said that sometimes doing nothing can be doing a heck of a lot. This is my favourite cure of them all. The all day in bed; hugging, spooning scissoring the day away. The other week some guy was explaining to me about how physical contact can have a healing effect on us. It was a few weeks ago and I am not the expert but I will try to relay what the expert guy explained to me.
We are talking about skin on skin contact here. None of that barriers of clothing rubbish. Apparently it is the warmth of flesh upon flesh that creates a sub-conscious state of mind that makes you feel better. Apparently it derives from some primal instinct of a protective or protected desire, depending on gender, which builds comfort of mind and then brings comfort of body. So hug, spoon and scissor away. It is my personal favourite.
But anyway, happy hangover. What are you going to do to Cure yours?


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