Sunday 6 October 2013

The Curing Sunday- Blog 2

The Cure for a Broken Heart

Blog 2

So as I said in Blog 1 for the Curing Sunday blogs I shall be using this day for shameless self-promotions of my book, The Cure. The links are to the right. However as I said here that I would provide insights to the plot, to the characters and to anything else relevant to the book.
However, today I will tell you about how The Cure came into being, how it came to life and how it came to be born. It started 6 years before I had any idea about writing it at all; me at 18 and all loved up moved from all I knew to build a life with the significant other a thousand miles away. All you need to know about this is that life was good and life was great; what could be better than falling in love over and over again each day?
Fast forward 6 years and the life that was so amazing went up in a blistering ball of flames; my skin felt as if it was burning as the gases within my body heated up until my insides exploded. I was a complete mess. The person I used to know no longer, replaced by a lost soul, a monster as I started to do things that I never wanted to do. I needed to get out of the rut I found myself in.
To the bottle it was; hoping that the constant blurred sight would have me waking up in the real world with all this just being some awful nightmare. So I tried Jack, I tried Jim, I tried Gin and all of their friends yet I could not drink her away. It turns out that none of these remedial source producers of life have found the cure to heart break.
My friends told me to forget but how was I supposed to do that? I do not suffer from amnesia. I did not want it to be over. The pain was so much worse when sober, tossing and turning when I reached out she was there no more. I know I had to end it that day in May, as soon as I found out that for some time she did betray; leaving me in complete dismay.
From that moment I knew I had to end it. But what happened? Where did she go? When was enough, enough? When did all our happy memories fade away? Five years building a home, weekend trips to Rome and all the more yet when did she turn so cold? When did her heart start to beat slower? Was it still beating at all? All of her plotting and scheming whilst at the same time she had me believing. I bought a ring, thought we could have everything. I never knew you could be so deceiving; she must have realised she killed us, she must have realised she was committing murder.
At 24 years old we both had so much more to do but instead overnight she became a stranger that I used to know. I could feel me start to change. I buried us symbolically, threw the ring in the sea and stood there watching the waves of the world crash down on top of me. As we met in Jamaica I thought it was best to let the ocean to take us away. I watched as it drifted away. I could not see it as it sank but still I stayed a while and watched my life drift away.
It was my goodbye to us. The old me forever gone, which is a shame because I really liked that guy. Now he is just a reflection in a glass, even a famous singer could not bring him back. I needed help, I needed a doctor, I needed a medicine but no hospital and no pharmacy had the cure for me so I had to come with my own. It was time to be grown. I started to write and write and a novel or two appeared. I had to think of a title and I did my best to find a different one but nothing seemed more appropriate than what stared me in the face.
The Cure; the death of the guy I used to be and the birth of the guy I now am.

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